Archive for ‘Festival of Thrift’

September 1, 2013

Festival of Thrift & Self-publishing in Milan & zine making

Festival of Thrift @ Lingfield Point, Darlington Saturday 21st & 22nd September

work in prog1

Work in progress by Theresa Easton  & Kay Henderson for the Alternative Village Fete explores the history of Broadsides and printed pamphlets utilising George Osborne’s now catch phrase ‘We are all in this together’ ( no we aren’t George!)

Visitors to the stall at The Alternative Village Fete will be presented with a selection of hand printed broadsides
recounting numerous home remedies, promoting self-help solutions which will captivate an audience in discussion and dialogue. Visitors will be encouraged to note down their own family remedy, ready to be printed into a handmade broadside using traditional wooden type. Pegged up on a washing line style drying system, the stall will present a colourful combination of Northern folklore and practical home grown customs.
The broadsides reference home grown tips and suggestions of everything to do and how to do it from ‘Enquire Within upon Everything’, of 1889, and ’Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book’, of the same year. Selected tips and guides will be chosen from the books for reproduction using hand printed type, silk screen printing and laser printing. For example, To render linen &c., incombustible – dip in a solution of tungstate of soda or common alum’ or ‘Dry bread should be pounded for puddings, or soaked for brewis’.
‘Broadsides and Broadsheets historically were single sheets of paper printed on one side
with either ballads, announcing events, proclamations or advertisements, often pinned in taverns and cottages.

Visitors will be given the opportunity to take a broadside away in return for leaving a suggestion of how the austerity measures can be best tackled or provide a home remedy idea. Visitors will be shown how to bind the sheets into a simple handmade book that they can complete at home or at a later date, thereby creating their very own contemporary Enquire Within upon Everything’, or ’Model Cookery and Housekeeping Book’

Fest Thrift EastonLarge

Easton & Henderson incite an emotive response to the current political climate, with
debate and dialogue a key to making tangible what is said using the printed form.

Taking part in this years I Libri Liberi in Milan, Italy.  Theresa Easton will be showing a selection of hand printed broadsides referencing a number of events she has  taken part in recently including Newcastle’s Late Shows @36 Lime Street and Stevie Ronnies Dear Angel exhibition @the Globe Gallery, Newcastle.

Photo Credit Colin Davison
Photo Credit Colin Davison

The events provided the visiting public with the opportunity to leave comments for a range of political and economic leaders.  The messages have been transcribed into a series of self-published zines, ready for distribution at the self-publshing book fair.  Alongside the zines Theresa will be exhibiting some of the original broadsides from the North of England Institute for Mining and Mechanical Engineering as well as contemporary messages from the visiting public translated into traditional broadsides.  For those interested in Zine making why not make it down to………

Canny Little Library + Zine-Making

3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday 8 September 2013

The Canny Little Library stocks books, zines and pamphlets with a focus on titles with a more critical stance towards the society we live in and not available in most regular libraries/ bookshops. All titles are available to browse and borrow for free.  @ Star & Shadow